It seems like it's been a journey of a thousand steps, but I finally walked on board the Viking Prestige yesterday. HOME - yippee!!! - for the next week anyway. Viking River Cruises had to change ships (we were supposed to be on the Viking Legend), because the water level in the Danube is unusually low and the Viking Legend has a deeper draft. I haven't heard any complaints.
So finally it was Saturday and finally I was on the ship and the main excursion was to the Christmas Market (what else?) . That was fine with me; I'd gone yesterday, but I came over here to go to the Christmas Markets didn't I? And what woman can resist shopping (again)?
We were all warned to be very careful of pickpockets. The place was jammed. We were tighter than pickles in a jar. Coney Island on a weekend packed. 50 times more people than the day before. I bought a Christmas thinga-ma-jig and then headed back to the ship's meeting point because I didn't want to fight the crowds. I don't like Times Square or other enormous gatherings of homo-sapiens. I need a little personal space. Stopped in a store to buy a little embroidered patch and when I went to pay for it found that my money was gone. Just gone. Not there any more. Missing. Absent. Kaput. Vanished.
They DID warn us! Crap.
It takes a lot of skill to get money from a snapped close pocket inside a snapped closed wallet underneath a zippered and snapped up jacket. But they did. Turns out I was tag teamed, one guy distracted me in the middle of buying the whatchamacallit, while the other went in for the money.
So this morning was spent at the police station with a translator filing a report. I think (read hope, pray, am wishful that) this is covered by my travel insurance, but we'll find that out later. Nonetheless I filed the report and the lieutenant was cute and very tall, with good posture. They usually charge you 10 euros to file a complaint but he didn't charge me. Very cute. Nice eyes too. But according to my translator he had a terrible Nuremberg accent.
In the event you believe that this trip is entirely about shopping you are wrong. We took a tour of Nuremberg today, saw the parade grounds where Hitler rallied his troops, found out why he chose Nuremberg for this and learned a little bit about the architecture of the Nazi regime. We also visited the old fortress (nobody
ever goes to go to an old city without visiting it's fortress, I mean, without fortresses, castles and cathedrals why would people go to Europe? I promise, it's not for the weather). We also learned the reason the road into the fortress bent to the left (because most invading armies were right handed and used that hand for their swords, leaving their right sides unprotected from arrows). Clever.
Despite being pick-pocketed I did find a weird souvenir of the day for you. I don't usually equate Albert Einstein with Christmas ornaments, but to each his own.
Tomorrow I might tell you the story about the poor father who didn't have dowry money to marry off his daughters. Yes, this is a Christmas story.